Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Carlos Toraño Casa Toraño

Carlos Toraño Casa Toraño robusto
$5.00, Size: 5", Ring: 50
Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and Honduran, Nicaraguan and mixed Central American tobacco fillers.

A popular internet cigar dealer recently had a special deal on a Toraño sampler, so an associate and I jumped on the deal. Really, better than a horse's head in your bed, 20 Toraño cigars for only $56 is an offer too good to refuse.

So, I took my share of the booty, put most of the cigars in my top-shelf humidor. I threw this Casa Toraño robusto into the dry box to smoke as soon as I wanted.

Overall, the construction of the cigar was nigh flawless. The wrapper was a pale gold, smooth, slightly oily, and with few distracting veins. Squeezing the cigar yielded the impression of a substantial amount of tobacco, well rolled, and the draw was easy without being too loose. While smoking, the cigar burned straight and true, with a silvery ash clinging for over an inch. It was an effortless smoke.

The flavors were smooth, mild and pleasant, of toast and nuts. Midway, a mild, white pepper flavor came in, and got stronger near the tingly finish. The smoke itself was generous and creamy.

Sure, you can get mild cigars that may cost half of what you'd pay for a Casa Toraño, but you won't get the quality. Though I'm more partial to maduro cigars with a little more body, this cigar was a pleasure to smoke. And after all, isn't that why we do it?

Cigar Jack tackled the Casa Toraño robusto in May 2007, and found it pleasant as well.

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