Saturday, December 15, 2007

Pirate's Gold No. 2 Maduro

Pirate's Gold No. 2 maduro toro
$7/ 5-pk, Size: 6.5", Ring: 46

Headlining the subtle signature of Rolando Reyes Sr., the honduran-rolled Pirate's Gold is a swashbucking bundle cigar. Avast ye, maties! Where's me torch?

This cigar seems light, but is not overly soft or spongy. The wrapper is a mottled, light milk chocolate color, which seems pale for a maduro, is fairly veiny, and has a toothy texture. A sniff, before weighing anchor, gives hints of mild cocoa and butter.

After being lit, the cigar burned unevenly for the first inch, but got its sea-legs and burned straight for the rest of the voyage, while the mottled gray ash held on for two inches before walking the plank.

Upon setting sail, this cigar has a mild wood flavor, with a hint of spice. In the second third, the flavor turns a bit sharper, more like cedar, and gets a little stronger. A spice flavor keeps a low profile through this leg. The flavor get's a little stronger as we got to the aft, but it never gets past medium-bodied. Paired with a nice rum, Pirate's Gold is smooth sailing.

Pirate's Gold is a nice mild cigar, and one that won't set you back too many dubloons.

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