Saturday, November 24, 2007

About the Humidor, and me

I'm a working joe, and I set some limits on my creature comforts according to my station in life. For example, I like to play golf, but I play courses where I can afford to play. I'm not terribly good, so it's a waste to play Pebble Beach once a year, when I can play the local muni course once a month.

Same goes with cigars, so I generally stick to the $5 and under rule. And, as you would surmise, I've found a few nice cigars in that range, perfect for a Friday night treat or while puzzling out a tricky mathematical proof.

I've also got a palate that's about as sensitive as a catcher's mitt, so I'm not going to get too florid in describing a cigar.

So, with that, I bid you welcome to The Humidor of the Apokalypse! [dramatic music here]

(most of the initial reviews were things I had on my other blog, but didn't really belong there, like using a cigar band as a bookmark in your Bible.)

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